Thursday, December 29, 2011

Countdown to 2012: People of my year

2 days and we're all gonna have a brand new year. For some 2011, might not have been giving but for others (like me), it was a year full of blessings (in disguise,too). Before the year ends, I would summarize and write everything that had happened in my 2011. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were all bidding 2010 goodbye and welcoming 2011 as the clock stroke 12. How time flies quickly. Countdown to 2012 posts series is all about stories, people, moments, memories, and random things that helped me get through with 2011. Hey, one day of bad luck and bad people makes you want to tie a rope around your neck, imagine a year full of ups and downs, how can one manage to survive a year? If you ask me, it's because of the people who've been there for me, and those who inspired me to be better in everything I do. is the list of my people to thank for making my 2011 bearable.

This is the only picture I have with Ms. Abanto. (I apologize). Now I know what's the first thing to do when I see her on January.
Ms. Flordeliz Abanto. A name that gives jitters to Juniors. I was one of those juniors who instantly wanted to runaway whenever Ms. A would ask a question. As a junior back then CR breaks were the ultimate blessing. (I get a minute or two break from the tension) Ms.A was like Marcos to me, I was so afraid of her that I didn't had the chance to know her more. Until, she became our thesis adviser, and my special project professor, and our Calauan buddy. Our thesis wouldn't be passable if it wasn't for her. (actually, "passable" is an underrated word..let's say "nominee for best thesis") I could say that I am ready to face the world because I went through the hands of scrutiny of Ms. Abanto.

Baby Lexi I really love babies. They remind me of my baby brother Patrick (when he was still a baby). I've always wanted to have a younger sibling and so when Patrick was born It was the happiest night of my childhood.
Baby Lexi, is my cousin's daughter. She is one year and 7 months old. My tired feet, and restless eyes from school works and stressful commuting, will all be gone whenever I see a smile from Lexi. She's too adorable! (this is the part when I say Agnes' line from Despicable me.."She's so fluffy I'm gonna die!")

Clare Marie Ciriaco The only sister I've got. From 1991 up to the present, she's the number one person on my list. (Oh btw, the arrangement is random. There's no top 10 or top 1. They are all in the same rank) My life on earth was fun because of her. Shopping, Swimming with our new swim suits, Eating cold noodles in Mong Kok, Googling for random places and discoveries, she is my ultimate buddy! We may have some disagreements that turned to world war 3, but in the end..we still watched the Final Harry Potter Movie together. Now that she's all grown up, and working, we still share the same passion for Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Walking Dead, do I have to name all? She's working in Hong Kong now, and I'm all alone watching series that we love (all alone saying bad words while watching Stefan say those words to Klaus). I miss you Sis!

Franza. I call him by his last name I don't know why. Well, of course we have our romantic nickname which I call him, only if no one is listening. Can't imagine I can survive a 3 year relationship with someone. I was a relationship-gypsy (if there's such term). My longest relationship before him was 4 months and the others were.. 1 month? I guess. Back in High School, my relationship with him was just evolving around exchanges of Hi and Hellos. I never expected that text messages could be so magical that it created a spark between us. Anyway, this post isn't about our story. He is the only person I can count on whenever I needed help. I can't imagine years without him. Thank you and even though my 2012 will be spent away from you.. I know you will still be a part of it and the rest of the years to come.

Pam, Yeye and Marje. They are my thesis mates. We share the same stress, and slept on the same bed, and ate canned goods for breakfast, lunch and dinner together. We crawled the deadly wires of topic proposal, 1st draft submission, documentary editing, final defense, and more to go (Obra Kulasa, Final revisions). Oh boy, at first I thought I couldn't survive being with them (We had several conflicts but able to talk it through) My 2011 was definitely full of them! Do I really have to reminisce about the things we've been through? I really don't want to think about thesis right now! Anyway, I thank God for giving me these creatures.

It is true that people will walk in and out of your life but we have to cherish everyone who did came and brought us days of happiness.

1 comment:

  1. This is so heartwarming Pau. :) It makes me feel so good about 2011 tuloy!
