Friday, December 16, 2011

Count the people you can count on

I've abandoned the art of blogging a long time ago. I saw it as a form of therapy that helps you unleash your thoughts, and feelings. Well, that is what I'll be doing now. This is not a happy post but a sad realization.

Last night, my "so-called" friends and I were celebrating for passing the thesis defense. We were at the moment of bliss. Alcohol, music and friends. 3 things that creates a powerful drug. I was feeling a little bit tipsy. Living far from school, the LRT is my clock. It closes at 9 pm so I have to get to the station before 9. I was planning to escape the scene at 8:30 pm with Vic and Angelene. But there were others who promised me that they will take me home. So I stayed (which was the most stupid thing to do).

After 2 hours of never-ending laugh trip, we decided to eat. I was saying Yes to everything because I know they'll stick with me until the end but I was wrong to think that. They had other plans in mind, and I don't like ruining other people's plan. One of them wanted to get drunk EVEN MORE and the other is waiting for a ride home from her ex-boyfriend. So here I was, left with no choice but to go home. I wanted to go home already. I told them I'm gonna be okay, and they kept on asking me If I can go home by myself, Come on girl! SINCERITY doesn't end with a question of Care. I honestly will never do what they did to me. I know the TRUE meaning of friendship but it takes a special person to have my true friendship. I just wanted to remove the tag "sister" with them in FACEBOOK and try to find a new set of friends who will never leave me no matter what. So I went home and ask my boyfriend to pick me up in Monumento (even if he was already in bed). He went to Monumento at 2 am and waited for me in a 7 11 store. I've realized that in the end, only those SINCERE people will be there for you and in hundreds of friends you'll meet there's only ONE who will do everything for you. I love you Baby! Thank you for being there when I'm scared and alone. Even though you're grumpy most of the time.. I love you still.

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